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Consumer Guarantees: Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict, negate, modify, or limit any of the Client’s rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 where the Services acquired are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic, or household use or consumption and the Client is not acquiring the Services for the purpose of a business.

消費者保障 : 若客戶是以消費者的身份簽署合約,而該合約的作用,只限於個人或家庭消費,不包含任何商業目的或活動,該客戶將受紐西蘭《消費者保障法案1993》所保護。本合約內的所有內容將不限制、否定或改變消費者受法律保障的權利。客戶與Mini Tours同意若服務包含任何商業目的或活動,本合約將不受紐西蘭《消費者保障法案1993》所約束。

Agent: If this contract is signed by an agent (or a designated person) on behalf of the client, the agent and the client are jointly and individually liable for the fees and related expenses. It is the agent's responsibility to explain to the travellers participating in the tour and to ensure that they understand all the content and terms of this contract.

代理人: 若本合約由代理人(或被指示人)代客戶簽署,則代理人與客戶需共同及各自為Mini Tours合約上的費用和相關支出承擔責任。代理人有責任向參加旅程的旅客說明,及確保他們明白和了解本合約的所有内容和條款。

Reservation: Receipt of a deposit of 50% of the total cost of the booking, and signed contract (electronic signature or hand-signed) is required to hold a reservation. The 50% balance is due 30 days prior to the commencement of the trip. If the balance is not paid by such date the company reserves the right to treat the booking as cancelled. If a booking is made less than 30 days prior to the departure date, 100% of the total tour cost is payable upon booking.

預訂:客戶需支付總費用的50%作訂金,並簽署合約(電子簽署或親筆簽署)以進行預訂。餘下的50%,將需在行程出發日30天前支付。 如在該日期前客戶未完成支付餘額,Mini Tours 保留將有關預訂視為取消的權利。 如果在出發日期前不到 30 天預訂,預訂時需支付總費用的 100%。

Payment: Full payment of the balance is required on the day before departure or by prior arrangement. Payment may be remitted by either telegraphic transfer (in New Zealand Dollar), credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and UnionPay), or cash. Any bank charges are for the account of the hirer. Any credit card payment will incur 3.7% bank fee.

付款:客戶需在行程出發前全數繳付所以團費,住宿費和景點活動費用金額。繳付方法包括:透過紐西蘭元(NZD)的電匯,信用卡 (Visa, Mastercard, 美國運通, JCB and 中國銀聯),或現金支付。任何使用銀行付款服務而衍生的一切手續費,將由付款者承擔。使用任何信用卡支付將會額外收取 3.7%手續費。

Tour Fees: All prices are subject to increase due to any increase in our costs, such as, but not limited to: increases in land or sea fares, government taxes, fuel cost, and currency fluctuations. 

團費:在無法控制的情況下,導致旅遊團之成本上漲,例如(但不僅限於):陸上交通或船票,政府徵收稅項,與及燃油成本和貨幣匯率影響,超出Mini Tours可承受的範圍,團費在非不得已的情況下,或許會隨着成本上漲而調整。

Cancellation by Client: If the client cancel the trip, the following cancellation fees applied: Between 15 and 30 days before tour commencement – 50% of total tour cost. Within 14 days or less of tour commencement, or after the tour has commenced  – 100% of total tour cost. If the client does not appear on the day of the tour (i.e. does not participate in the tour), the tour fee will not be refunded.

For bookings Mini Tours made on behalf of the client, if the client cancel any aspect of the bookings or change their willingness to participate before the activities, Mini Tours will cancel the reservation for the client as soon as possible, but the paid items may not be refunded. All cancellations will be subject to the travel service provider's policy. Mini Tours will not be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by the client due to the cancellation of the reservation.


由Mini Tours提供的預訂服務,如客戶提出取消預訂或在活動進行前改變參加意願,Mini Tours會盡早為客戶取消活動的預約,唯其已繳款項,並不保證能全額退回。不同的旅遊服務供應商有不同的取消預訂政策,所有取消預訂的執行,將按照該旅遊服務供應商的政策為最終決定。客戶如因取消預約,而導致任何額外開支,Mini Tours將不會承擔任何責任。

Cancellation by Travel Service Provider: If a booking is cancelled by the travel service provider due to reasons, such as safety, poor weather, accidents, strikes, traffic delays, etc., Mini Tours will try its best to reschedule similar services or products for the client in other places or time periods. If the service or product cannot be rescheduled, the relevant fees can be used as a credit on other services or activities, or be refunded to the client.

供應商主動取消:已預訂的任何服務,如因無法控制及不可抗拒的原因被供應商取消,例如安全理由、天氣原因、意外、罷工、交通延誤等,Mini Tours會盡力為顧客在其他地方或時段,重新安排同樣或近似的服務和產品。如未能再次安排,相關的費用可改用於預訂其他服務或活動,或退還給客戶。

Refund: Any refund will be credited to the credit card or bank account used to pay for the booking. Due to exchange rate fluctuations, at times there may be some variance in the amounts refunded compared to the amount initially charged. We do not accept any liability for these variances or any subsequent credit card/bank charges relating to these transfers to customer’s accounts.

退款:任何款項退還,將退回支付款項時使用的信用卡或銀行帳戶。 受匯率影響,退款金額與繳款金額或略有不同;對於受匯率影響而導致的損失(包括匯率差異、信用卡或銀行的行政費和手續費),Mini Tours將不會承擔任何責任。

Punctuality: Timeliness is crucial for a smooth travel experience. It is the responsibility of the client to arrive at the designated meeting point or departure location at the specified time. Delays in arrival may result in the client missing the tour or the activity. If a client misses a tour or activity due to their own delays, failure to arrive on time, or non-compliance with the specified meeting instructions, Mini Tours shall not be held responsible, and no refunds or compensation will be provided.

守時:為確保旅程順利,客戶必須遵守時間約定。客戶有責任按指定時間到達指定的集合或出發地點。未能按時集合,可導致客戶錯過某些行程或活動。如客戶因自身延誤、未能按時到達或未能遵守集合指示,而錯過行程或活動,Mini Tours 將不承擔任何責任,亦不會提供退款或賠償。

Unforeseen Events and Itinerary Change: Unforeseen events, such as poor weather conditions, natural disasters, and other circumstances beyond our control, may necessitate changes to the route, schedules, itinerary, mode of transport or the cancellation of certain accommodation, meals, attractions and activities. In such cases, Mini Tours will make every effort to provide suitable alternative arrangements, but Mini Tours cannot be held responsible for any additional expenses or losses incurred as a result of these changes. Before making any changes, tour manager will discuss the changes with the client. All changes to the itinerary will be made on a reasonable, legal and safe basis. If the change discussion fails through, Mini Tours shall not assume responsibility for alternations to the itinerary determined by the client.

無法預測狀況和行程變更: 如出現無法預測的情況,例如惡劣的天氣、自然災害及其他我們無法控制的事故,我們或有需要修改行程、變更甚至取消某些住宿、膳食、景點、活動及交通工具。在這情況下,Mini Tours將盡一切努力提供合適的替代安排,但Mini Tours將不承擔因這些變更而產生的任何額外費用或損失。在行程變更前,我們將與客戶進行協商。所有行程的變更將以合情、合法及安全為原則。若Mini Tours與客戶協商未果,Mini Tours則不會對該客戶自行決定的行程變更而承擔任何責任。

Ancillary Services: Whilst Mini Tours endeavours to engage only highly reputable tour or service providers, Mini Tours cannot accept responsibility for the unsatisfactory performance of these services. All payments for additional activities, ancillary services booked by Mini Tours will be paid for by Mini Tours and will take payment from you by the end of the tour. Credit card details must be provided for security of payment for these additional activities and services. If a credit card is not available, any additional costs must be paid in cash before the services are booked. Please note that prices quoted are subject to change. The final price of service and product will be determined by the travel service supplier. If there is any price change, Mini Tours will notify the client as soon as possible.

輔助服務:Mini Tours致力顧用信譽良好的旅遊、活動及服務供應商,但Mini Tours對這些服務供應商的不專業、欠佳或任何令人不滿意的服務,並不會承擔任何責任。所有在旅程內產生的活動開支及由其他供應商提供的服務,將有可能由Mini Tours暫時繳付。客戶必需在旅程結束前,把所有相關的活動開支及服務所衍生的支出全數繳付。繳付方法請參照「付款」。客戶必需提供詳細的信用卡資料,以確保這些額外的活動和服務開支,能安全而有效地繳付。 假如沒有信用卡,或信用卡不被接受,這些額外的開支必須在服務或活動預訂前,以現金支付。所有報價均有可能作適度的調整及變更。服務和產品的最終價格,將依照旅遊服務供應商的公報為準,如有任何更改,Mini Tours將盡早通知顧客。

Seat Rotation: Mini Tours does not provide seat allocation service on our passenger vans, for the enjoyment of all passengers, Mini Tours operate a daily seat rotation system in which all passengers must participate in.

座位輪換:Mini Tours的旅遊車不設劃位服務,為了讓所有乘客均能在車上享受最佳體驗,Mini Tours 實行每日座位輪換制度,所有乘客必須按隨團導遊要求輪換座位。

Behaviour: Mini Tours reserves the right to exclude or reject any person(s) joining or continuing the tour if their conduct is deemed to be unacceptable. In signing this document, the client acknowledges Mini Tours reserves the right to terminate any booking if the co-operation of client is not obtained. Should this occur, no monies will be refunded. The tour manager’s decision is final. Mini Tours has no responsibility for any costs, damages or expenses that the client may incur in relation to the termination of the booking. The client remains liable for all costs associated with the booking even in the event of cancellation. 

行為:假若任何人士的行為被視為不合理、不可接受或不當,Mini Tours保留排除或拒絕該人士加入或繼續參與旅程的權利。 在簽署本文件時,客戶及參加旅行團的旅客將承認Mini Tours保留終止任何預訂的權利。 假如上述情況發生,Mini Tours將不會退還任何款項。隨團導遊所作出的決定為最終決定, Mini Tours對客戶被終止或取消旅程時,可能產生的任何費用、損害或費用,均不會承擔任何責任或賠償。 假如在取消預訂或旅程的情況下,客戶仍需承擔與旅程或預訂相關的所有費用。

Safety: In any activity, there is an element of risk involved. The range of risks in undertaking these activities include transportation, property damage, collision with objects, slips/trips, falls, personal injury, illness, equipment failure, guide inability, client inability, communication failure, animal misbehaving, lost, adverse weather conditions, environment, and a risk of drowning. Client MUST understand the risks involved, follow the tour manager’s or service providers’ instructions and use the safety equipment provided at all times. Adults accompanying any person under the age of 18 must ensure that the underage person always follows the instructions. Client must release or indemnify Mini Tours and our staff against any liability we incur to anyone else, resulting from customer’s failure to follow the instructions or the failure of any person accompanying under the age of 18 to follow the instructions. Mini Tours reserve the right to withdraw any person who in our opinion is likely to endanger themselves or others. Mini Tours also reserve the right to cancel the activity if we become concerned for any reason for customer’s safety or that of any other person.

安全:進行及參與任何類型的活動,都存有一定的風險。這些風險包括(但不限於)交通意外、財物損失、物體碰撞、滑倒/跌倒、墜地、人身傷害、設備故障、導遊能力不足、客戶能力不足、溝通不良、動物失控、溺水、迷路、受惡劣天氣和環境所導致的疾病及不適。參加任何活動的旅客必須了解有關風險,遵循工作人員、導遊或服務供應商的指示,並遵守及使用由工作人員提供的安全設備。任何未滿18歲的未成年人士,其家長及監護人必須確保該未成年人士遵守工作人員的指示。如客戶及同行的未成年人士,因違反或不遵守工作人員的指示,而導致的任何危險或損失,客戶及旅客自行承擔後果,並放棄向Mini Tours及其員工追究的權利;而Mini Tours及其員工將不會承擔任何責任。 假如Mini Tours認為任何人士有可能危及自己或他人安全,Mini Tours將保留取消旅程的權利。

Room and Dietary Requirements: Special room and dietary requests will be passed on to the accommodation and meal providers but cannot be guaranteed. Where they can, suppliers will cater to intolerances but managing them is the responsibility of the client.


Medical Condition: Client must inform Mini Tours or travel service provider any medical conditions or other information Mini Tours need to know to include client safely in this tour, such as asthma, allergies, heart conditions, epilepsy or pregnancy. The client is entitled to access any information Mini Tours hold about client or to request its correction at any time.

醫療及健康條件:客戶必須預早告知Mini Tours或聯絡單位,任何與他們相關的醫療及健康事項,及其他Mini Tours有需要知道,並在是次旅程中需要注意的狀況,包括任何既有疾病,如哮喘、過敏、心臟病、癲癇或懷孕。客戶有權向Mini Tours查詢及更正,其持有關於健康情況的資料。

Insurance: Mini Tours strongly recommend that all visitors to New Zealand have full insurance covering disruption to travel plans, any damage/ lost/ theft of personal items and injury, including medical treatment cover, before undertaking this trip.

保險: Mini Tours強烈建議所有前往紐西蘭的旅客,在旅程開始前,自行購買相關的旅遊保險。內容包括:旅遊醫療保險、人身傷害及疾病、行程計劃被中斷及延誤、個人財物的任何損壞/遺失/盜竊等。

Complaints: If the client have a complaint about the trip please inform the tour manager or service representative at the time so that they can attempt to rectify the matter. If you believe that the complaint has not been resolved through these means then any further complaint should be put in writing to us within 30 days of the end of the trip to

投訴:如果客戶對旅程有任何不滿,請即時向隨團導遊或客戶服務聯絡人提出,以便適時處理有關事件。若您認為通過這些途徑仍未能解決問題,則應在旅程結束後30天內以書面形式向Mini Tours提交,電郵發送至

Liability: To the extent permitted by law, neither Mini Tours nor any of its related companies, directors, officers, employees, servants or agents accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any injury, damage, loss (including consequential loss), delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by the acts, omissions or default, whether negligent or otherwise, of third party providers over whom we have no direct control, force majeure or any other event which is beyond our control or which is not preventable by reasonable diligence on our part. Under circumstances where our liability cannot be excluded and where liability may be lawfully limited, such liability is limited to the remedies required of us under applicable law (including the Consumer Guarantees Act).

責任:如果法律允許,Mini Tours 或其相關公司、董事、管理人員、員工、雇員或代理人,對我們無法直接控制的第三方供應商的作為、不作為或違約(無論是因疏忽或其他原因引起的)、不可抗力或我們無法控制且無法通過我們的合理審慎義務避免的任何其他事件直接或間接導致的任何傷害、損害、損失(包括後果性損失)、延遲、額外費用或不便利,承擔任何合同、侵權或其他責任。如果我們的責任無法被排除且責任可受到法律限制,則該等責任僅限於我們在適用法律(包括消費者保障法)下必須承擔的補救責任。

Privacy Policy: Mini Tours is committed to ensuring that client’s privacy is protected. The information that Mini Tours collect about the client is used to make the booking. Mini Tours may disclose client’s personal information to third parties, such as other tour service and product providers, when making booking for client. Client may request the details of personal information Mini Tours hold about the client. If client believe that any information Mini Tours are holding about the client is incorrect or incomplete, client may request that Mini Tours update this information.

隱私政策: Mini Tours致力於確保客戶的隱私備受到保護。Mini Tours在進行預訂時,將收集與客戶有關的個人資料及信息。 在為客戶預訂旅遊服務或產品時,Mini Tours或許會向第三者,例如旅遊服務或產品供應商,披露該個人資料。客戶可以要求Mini Tours提供與自己相關的個人資料;如客戶認為該資料有任何錯誤或不完整,客戶可要求Mini Tours更新該資料及信息。

COVID-19: Client must comply and follow the New Zealand Government's regulations on COVID-19. Attractions and travel service providers may refuse to provide services to anyone with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please seek medical attention immediately, cancel the tour, and contact Mini Tours as soon as possible to arrange cancellation, postponement or refund.

COVID-19:客戶必需遵守和跟隨紐西蘭政府的 COVID-19 防疫規定。任何疑似出現或帶有COVID-19 病徵的人士,活動提供商或會拒絕向他們提供服務。如閣下出現COVID-19 的病徵,請立即就醫及取消行程,並儘快與Mini Tours聯繫以安排取消活動、延期出發或退款。

Photography and Social Media: Mini Tours values the opportunity to capture and share the wonderful moments of our tours with a broader audience through social media and marketing materials. We would like to seek your permission to take photographs or videos during your tour and to use them for promotional purposes. By default, your participation in the tour implies your consent for us to use these images or videos. If, for any reason, you do not wish to grant this permission, you may exercise your right to opt out by ticking this box in contract.  

相片及社交媒體:Mini Tours 熱愛在旅途中為客人拍照或錄影,以捕捉他們在紐西蘭旅遊的美好時光。在便捷的社交媒體下,這份旅遊的喜悅,能透過網絡傳達給遠方的受眾。為此,我們現徵求您的許可,在您於紐西蘭旅行期間拍攝的照片及視頻,或將於Mini Tours 的社交媒體發放,或作其他營銷材料作宣傳之用。你將同意,並授予許可,讓我們使用這些照片及視頻。如閣下因任何原因,並不希望Mini Tours 為你拍攝,或不同意我們使用這些照片及視頻,請在合約此方格內打勾。

Modifications: Mini Tours reserve the right to modify any of these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. If we make changes to any of these terms and conditions, we will post the amended terms and conditions on the website, which are effective upon posting. 

修改:Mini Tours 保留隨時修改本條款和細則的權利,而不用事先通知。本條款和細則,一經修改,我們將在網站上張貼及公佈更新的版本。更新版本一旦公佈,已變更之條款及細則旋即生效。


Last Update: 2 December 2024

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