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紐西蘭打工渡假 第二步 X-ray 體檢

紐西蘭打工渡假 第二步 X-ray 體檢

申請紐西蘭打工渡假,於指定時間登入其網頁,填寫所需資料後,並成功用信用卡付費,基本上已代表你已搶到當年的名額 (據申請失敗,搶不了名額的朋友說,網站一直卡在付款頁過不了)

然後,你會便收到紐西蘭入境處職員Officer 發出的電郵,這位Officer 便是負責你個案的人,日後的文件及簽證等問題都可直接聯絡他。我是隔天收到的,收不到的朋友要記得看看郵件垃圾桶。

電郵內容分為Section A 及Section B,大概要你提交X-ray 報告及補充資料,申請者需於15天內提交,但當局亦會視情況而延長截止時間,香港的申請日為四月一日,因為Good Friday 及復活節長假期的關係,2014/2015WHV的補充資料提交日便廷至四月二十日。


如果身處紐西蘭境外,Senction A 的部份便是X-Ray,請先 Print Out 文件「Chest X-ray Certificate」(不用擔心,電郵內有包含文件的Link)


預約及帶同文件到指定的X-ray 中心着放射師填寫,然後將X-ray 報告及Chest X-ray Certificate (Pages 3, 4, 5及6) Scan及準備回後你負責你個案的紐西蘭入境處office。

查看指定的X-ray 中心 (Panel physicians)



SECTION A Upon submitting your application you would have received an automated e-mail requesting you to provide a General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) and/or a Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) within 15 days. This time period has been extended to 20 consecutive days from the date of your application. In case you have not seen this automated e-mail, please check your spam/junk mail folder.

 If you have applied from outside of New Zealand and are required to provide a Chest X-ray Certificate, you should scan the radiologist’s report and pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the completed Chest X-ray Certificate form and e-mail them to your case officer whose e-mail address is provided at the top of this e-mail.

Check the list of panel physicians to see if you need to use an approved registered medical practitioner to complete the forms. Check that all laboratory test results are attached to the General Medical Certificate.


假如你身在香港,請填寫Supplementary Form for Hong Kong Visitors, Workers and Students (INZ 1220)  補充表,電郵內有包含文件的Link)


假如不身在香港,便要填妥郵件附上的另一份表格「Require Information」



Upon submitting your application you would have received a second automated e-mail requesting you to send a completed Supplementary Form for Hong Kong Visitors, Workers and Students (INZ 1220) OR a form in Section C of that e-mail.

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